Why Spiritual Mentorship?

Are you feeling a calling from your inner being to move into a more meaningful process of spiritual unfoldment? Sometimes the call is clear and sometimes it arises out of periods of transition, trauma and suffering. My vision for creating this program was to offer a dedicated support process to those who want to dive deeper into their spiritual unfoldment - to heal the past and move forward into a more authentic and meaningful life.


About the Spiritual Mentorship Program

The intentions of the Spiritual Mentorship Program are:

1.     To support you in removing obstacles to the clear expression of the Soul energy that you always and already are.  I use a number of energetic and inquiry-based tools and processes to shift deep conditioned patterning through the technologies of awareness, compassion, surrender and embodiment.

2.      To support you in learning spiritual principles of energy and its function – how to function as a Soul in a human body.  Many ancient mystical traditions can inform us with their wisdom in this regard – since the means for spiritual unfoldment is as old as humanity itself.  We will look at some relevant teachings and wisdom keepers to add to our innate wisdom about our own unique path.  We will also explore what it means that the Earth herself is evolving along with us.  Why here?  Why now?  Some of the bigger questions begin to arise as the authentic self gains clarity.

3.     To support you in increasing your intuitive sensitivity in a balanced and grounded way.  This is done by cultivating the faculty of discernment along with one’s intuitive capacities.  We look here to the body as our instrument and guide to ground our inner knowing.  This works differently for all of us.

 To support you to create a spiritual practice that becomes foundational to the new frequency that results from dissolving conditioning and moving through a dedicated period of spiritual growth. 

What can spiritual mentorship offer to you?

Reliable methods and practices.  I offer you the methods that I have used on my own path and with those who have approached me for support over the course of my 22 years as a counsellor, teacher, dreamworker, and healer…

Consistency, continuity and accountability.  This program is structured with longer sessions of deeper work alternating with check-ins, journaling exercises and homework to keep you tracking your process and more able to see bigger themes emerging in the healing process.

Compassionate guidance and support for your expansion process.  The spiritual path can be a lonely one.  It can be confusing when we become aware of our deeper conditioning or issues we thought we had already dealt with.  Yet, this can be evidence that we are at a crossroads, ready to transition into more love and more light.  A caring guide can sometimes see a bigger picture of what is possible and can help you to navigate through the inevitable “dark nights of the Soul”.

The Program

The Mentorship Program is offered in 3 month increments.  Initially, a weekly meeting over three months (18 contact hours) is the commitment required. Once this period is complete, we will plan to take next steps together, to pause or to end the work. (Please note, this is to give the process time to unfold).

Financial Commitment

3 month (18 contact hours) @ $120/hour = $2,160.00

Monthly payment plan available @ $720/month

“Working with Ariel has had a tremendous impact on my life. …Her insight and support enabled me to develop a consistent long term meditation practice that has been life changing beyond words… every single session we have had together directly or indirectly stimulated some form of integrated healing.”

-JS, Canmore, Ab